The online module for IIM Awards was initially launched wef 10th June 2019, starting with thirteen categories of core IIM Awards. However, IIM Awards shall be hosted fully ONLINE for the current year of 2024. Details regarding last date of applications shall be available @ https://nmd-iimawards.com/iim-terms-and-conditions
The application/nomination form has been replicated from IIM Awards offline proforma, wherein an Applicant need to register at the Portal, and login subsequently using one’s login credentials. After successful submission of online application, it shall get divulged to the IIM Awards Committee members through the same portal.

The end to end process of application to assessment has been designed in this portal

Amendments in IIM Awards Applications w.e.f 2020

IIM Awards - Online Registration & Form Submission

Registration is required for the new users to fill the application forms for IIM Awards.